(Pisum sativum) Heirloom. Popular variety. Bush type growing from 75-100cm. Heavy producer with pods 5-7cm in length. 65 days. 250 seeds
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(Pisum sativum) Dwarf type; bush 60-75cm high. Matures quickly. Suited to cold areas, hardy bush, disease resistant. Pick when pods have filled ou
(Pisum sativum) Unusual plant with masses of strong tendrils instead of leaves. Plant to 70cm high with no staking required as tendrils cling togeth
(Pisum sativum) Old heirloom variety popular in Europe. Bush type growing from 80-100cm. Large, blunt ended pods holding equally as large peas with
(Pisum sativum) Sweet, edible, stringless green pods to 75mm, bushy type, prolific bearer, bears early. Pick when pods have filled out. 140 seeds