***NOT TO WA*** (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) Originating with the ancient Aztecs. Hardy plant to 1m with both leaf & grain used in salads, and cooke
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***NOT TO WA*** Excellent green manure crop useful for adding both nutrients & carbon to the soil. Also useful for attracting beneficial insects, in
From $10.00
(Salvia hispanica) Leafy plant producing small, greyish seeds with pleasant nutty flavour. Seeds contain antioxidants, fibre, protein & is one of th
(Chenopodium quinoa) A grain crop grown for its edible seeds. Seeds high in protein. Best grown in areas where max. day time temperature does not e
***NOT TO TAS*** (Eragrostis tef) Ancient grain commonly grown in Africa, Ethiopia & Eritrea where it is used to make 'Injera' and also as the main