(Capsicum annum) Heirloom dating back 300 years. Elongated, blunt ended, green to red fruit, to 20cm. Produces over long period. Used dried or fre
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(Capsicum annuum) Bulgarian heirloom. Bright orange (almost fluorescent) fruit looking exactly like a carrot! Strong, fruity flavour with high heat
(Capsicum annum) European heirloom dating back to 1827. Long, thin, cylindrical, green to red fruit to 20cm with pointed end on plant to 70cm high.
(Capsicum annum) Mix of slender, long, thin, cylindrical fruit to 20cm long in a rainbow of colour of green, orange, red and purple fruit. Excellent
(Capsicum annum) Annual / Perennial. Small, oval fruit with thick, firm flesh to 75mm. Ripens dark green to red. Low to medium heat. Popular vari
(Capsicum fruitescens) Heirloom originating from the foothills of Puebla, Mexico with the name taken from 'Serranias' which means foothill in Spanish.